Friday, February 22, 2008

Whatever you want to call this...

Okay, the day started like any other day....The two "elite" sohai(z) club founders decided that they fancy a walk in the city....Cause they have nothing better to do...Of course not! We needed to go UWA (U doub/University of Western Australia for all you people who don't know what it is.)

The reason we go to UWA is because they invited us to give a talk there about our sohai~ness, they needed our advise to establish a sohai club! So, what to do, people want to invite us there, of course we need to give a bit of respect and because we think UWA is quite famous, cause we hear people talking about it....

But, we turn out to be GOD DAMN WRONG!!!! Nobody in the city, and i mean NOBODY knows where UWA is!!!! What the hell is! They don't know where one of their so-called-famous-but-apparently-not University.

Infact, I wanted to give a sohai business card (in printing, seriously, in printing) to a chinese woman working at Transperth. Infact, i think she should be the leader for this club, cause she send us all the way to Joondalup to ECU (Edith Cowan University). Eh, let me ask you, any similiarities between ECU and UWA... besides the U i really dun see any other similiarities.... Stupid woman, she gave us a joyride...which we have to pay blardy 90 cents for it...Not cheap!
nevermind that, as a matter of fact we need to go back to UWA again next week, due to high demands, see, we are that popular!

Wait till I see that woman again, this time I'll make sure I have my business card ready and also the recruitment form.....

The Judge and Whinner

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